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Social Anxiety Disorder and Shyness Differences

What is Shyness?
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Glossary of Terms

Differences Between Social Phobia and Shyness

The differences between Shyness and Social Phobia can be examined from two angles: external characteristics, mainly the signs and symptoms, and by the internal process.

External Characteristics of Social Phobia and Shyness - Below is a table with some characteristics of both angles, mainly signs and symptoms.


Description Shyness Social Phobia
It occurs in social performance situations    Yes    Yes
He/She recognizes that the fear is irrational    Yes    Yes
Anxiety before going into the situation    No    Yes
Anxiety in the situation    Yes    Yes
Anxiety in the situation is high    No    Yes
Desire to run away from the situation    No    Yes
Panic attack can occur    No    Yes
It occurs in one or more situations    Yes    Yes
Much suffering in the situations    No    Yes

Differences in the Internal Process - When the psychological processes of Social Phobia and Shyness are examined from the perspective of Psychological Process self-concept and self-actualization two subtle but significant differences can be observed.

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The first one is that there is a greater number of negative self-references in Social Phobia than in Shyness. This means that there are more areas of self negatively evaluated in the Social Phobia sufferer.

The second difference is that Social Phobia suffers experience a greater loss of balance between the Psychological Process self-concept in relation to the capacity to face the external threat and the view of the other as threatner. In other words, in Shyness there occurs doubts regarding one’s performance capacity, and the Shyness sufferer views the other as potentially able to make criticisms, whereas in Social Phobia there is added to this the great fragility of self and the perception of the other as ready to take advantage of this situation.

overcoming shyness

Articles on Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia and Shyness:

Basic Articles:

Self-Concept/Self- Actualization – Shyness Nucleus

Self-concept, Body Image, Self-depreciation and Shyness

Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder: Neurophysiological Approach

Shyness Articles:

What Is Shyness? Fear, Anxiety, Anguish?

Questions and Answers on Shyness

Humiliation Stories, School Spankings: Examples of Shyness Causes

Social Anxiety Disorder Articles:

Social Anxiety Disorder: What It Is, The Anxiety Attack Symptoms

Social Anxiety Attacks: Incidence, Onset, History, Evolution

Social Phobia / Anxiety Disorder: Treatment

Social Phobia / Anxiety Disorder: Differential Diagnosis

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Medications in Social Phobia: Side Effects

Antidepressants Tricyclics: Side Effects

Metabolic Pathways Individual Differences and Medications Side Effects

Genetic Changes: Medications Side Effects

First Line Antidepressants - Side Effects
Social Anxiety and Shyness Articles:

Panic Disorder, Shyness, Social Phobia - Differences

Why Self-Help in Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia Doesn�t Help You

Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder: Medication Action

Facial Blushing, Redness of the Face, Ears and Neck

Psychoses, Shyness and Social Phobia

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